Ogitech Students cry out as Okada Riders are assaulting them on daily basis and thereby becoming menace to students community.
The leadership of the national Association of Nigerian Students OGITECH chapter demand justice for the assault of the *Speaker* of Students Union in person of *Rt.Hon.Bankole Marleeq* by Okada Riders in Igbesa.
It is no longer news, the brutality, assault and inhumane treatment being meted to the Students of Ogun State Institute of Technology Igbesa despite the calm and friendly nature of the Students
The leadership of Students Union of Ogitech hereby call on the *AMORAN CHAIRMAN* register our displeasure over the brutality of the *SPEAKER OF OGITECH STUDENTS UNION BY OKADA RIDERS IN IGBESA*.
Sir, it interest us to let you know that there have been series of complains as regard the activities and and brutality of Okada Riders to Students at large
The the Okada Riders mobilise and ganged up themselves after an altercation with the Speaker while he is on his way to school and unleash mayhem and all forms of barbaric treatment on him.
It was reported by Students in the environment and bystanders that he was severely battered and beaten with deadly and dangerous weapons (voodoo rings)
Sir, the Speaker as at the time of writing this letter has been rushed to nearby hospital and he has not been responding to treatment after series of drugs were been administered to him. He complained of pains all over his body, unable to hear with his left ear.
Sir, The Okada Riders have created panic in the heart of Ogitech Students thus becoming menace to Students community.
The entire leadership of *OGITECH* students union hereby call on the *AMORAN CHAIRMAN* and make the following demands:
1) That a committee should be set up to investigate the reasons why Okada Riders has chosen to maltreat and brutalise students
2)That the Okada Rider and his cohort involved in the brutality be brought to justice
3) That the Okada Rider should take care of the medical expense and compensate the *speaker* on the damages caused.
Ogitech Student Union also use this medium to salute the doggedness of Ogitites as they chosen to be law abiding during this tumultuous time. Ogitech Students Union leaders hereby give the AMORAN CHAIRMAN (Igbesa Chapter ) a 48hrs ultimatum to meet up with the above stated demands or else we won't hesitate to embark on a continuous/ marathon demonstration to ensure justice.
Until all are freed all are slave.
Ogitech Students Union
Ogitech Chapter
All departmental president
(Ogitech Chapter)
All indigenous Association Presidents
- (Ogitech Chapter)